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Jillian in Space Part 6

After exiting the plane, Jillian was escorted by personnel to a bleach white building that stood apart from the rest. Here she bathed and was given a full cat massage by a hansom grey cat named Carlos. As he worked her back, Jillian felt like she was in heaven playing with a big ball of yarn. To soon the massage ended and she began the long walk back to her room, stopping every once in a while to adjust the pink towel wrapped around her. As she walked, Jillian took in her surroundings. To be honest there wasn’t much to look at. The walls were a dingy white, the tiled floor, though waxed and buffed was warped with age, the ceiling lights flickered from time to time. “Yup,” Jillian meowed, her voice bouncing off of the walls. “You can tell this facility is run by dogs.., it lacks any real personality.” Continuing her walk in silence, she jumped in surprise when her phone went off. Carefully swiping her screen to the left, Jillian heard the charming voice of Spooky, “How is everything going,” he meowed. “Okay, I guess.” Jillian replied, turning a corner and walking down a dimly lit hallway. “I’m walking back to my room now. I should be there in a few minutes.”

“Okay,” Carlos replied. “Be careful.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jillian meowed dismissively, with a wave of her paw. Looking up, she realized that she had gone the wrong way. “Great,” she hissed, as she turned around and made her way back. Looking for a sign, she realized that there was none.

“What’s wrong,” Carlos asked.

“Oh, it looks like I got turned around.” Jillian grumbled. “You’d think that they’d put signs up.”

“Well you know dogs,” Carlos replied. “They like using their noses for everything.”

Jillian snorted a laugh, “Okay Carlos, I’m going to retrace my steps, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay love, talk to you soon.”

“Bye,” Jillian replied with a purr…”What the hell... ” she spat.

“What, what’s going on?” Carlos meowed. ‘Talk to me.”

He was met with silence for a few minutes, then Jillian meowed. “Everything is okay, I thought I saw a deformed shadow slip down the hall. “I think I’ll investigate.”

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Carlos meowed, his voice full of concern.

“Oh you know me,” Jillian meowed quietly.

“Yeah that’s the problem. I know you.”

“Got to go,” Jillian meowed, barely above a whisper.

“Don’t you hang up on me...” Spooky began, but he was cut short by a resounding click.

Looking down at her phone, Jillian smiled slightly, then tucked it into the folds of her towel. Moving quietly down the hall to the right, Jillian’s green eyes penetrated the darkness. Up head she saw a big lumpish figure. When she was three feet from it, Jillian reached out. It knocked to the floor with a clatter. Jillian jumped back with a hiss, then she saw that it was a small mannequin covered in a dark robe. With a sigh, she turned, desperate to get back. A sudden noise from above caused to her look up. Then everything went black.

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