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Jillian in Space Part 4

Jillian meanwhile was pruning herself in front of the mirror. Straitening her fur with her paw, she meowed to herself, “Now remember, you’re a strong independent feline, don’t let that foul smelling mutt get to you.” Digging through her bag, Jillian pulled out her perfume and unscrewed the bottle, when the sound of three rapid gunfire went off inside the plane. Startled, she dropped the bottle and watched in horror as it smashed to pieces against the litter box and splashing against her. “Great,” she hissed to herself. “Thanks to that Mutts allergies, I now smell like a skunk.” Cleaning herself of as much as possible, Jillian walked out of the lavatory and back to her seat. Stealing a quick glance at Max, she saw that he had curled into a ball and was fast asleep. Stifling a yawn, Jillian took her seat and settled in for a nice cat nap.

Images of pink rubber duckies and smoking airplanes filled her mind. Something about that night, didn’t sit right with her, but what? She couldn’t quite put her paw on. Then her mind shifted and she was with her ancestors, stalking wild birds in the African jungle. Seeing a nice plump parrot, Jillian was about to pounce when a dark shadow loomed over her, followed by a shrill, “Bark! Bark! Bark!” Instantly Jillian flew into the air, with a screeching, “Meow”. Latching onto the ceiling of the plane, she looked wildly about her. Then her gaze came fell on Max, who was barking playfully in his sleep, his four paws kicking in the air. “Dumb dog,” she hissed, “You nearly gave me a heart attack.” Slowly releasing herself from the ceiling, Jillian crawled back into a ball, keeping a close eye on Max. As she drifted back off to sleep, she meowed quietly to herself. “All dogs should come equipped with muzzles…”

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