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Jillian in Space Part 3

As the Catcopter came to a stop, Jillian stood and made her way onto the tarmac. Thanking Sassy, she walked across runway, her pink heels clicking on the runway. Reaching the purring private Jet, Jillian climbed the stairs and entered the cabin. Waiting for her at the table was Max, a black dog with wild fur and a white chest. He lowered the Daily Beagle, which he had been reading to pass the time and looked at her over his reading glasses. Grunting, he indicated with a cock of his head, that she was to take the seat next to him, before returning to his paper.

Jillian was beside herself as she took the indicated seat and pulled out a private mirror to check her appearance. “Am I really going into a business deal with this uncivilized beast?” She meowed quietly to herself, as the jet rolled down the tarmac and began its ascent. “He didn’t even stand to his feet when I entered and when he looked at me over those hideous reading glasses, I felt like I was one of his young inexperienced pups. Which I certainly am not.” Rising to her feet, Jillian made a slight comment about using the lavatory and that she’s be right back. Max licked his paw and turned the page of his newspaper, ignoring her completely. “Jerk,” She meowed under her breath, as she brushed by him.

Lowering his paper, Max watched her disappear into the lavatory and growled to himself, “Self-righteous, know it all felines, I hate them.” He sniffed the air and sneezed three times. Wiping the tip of his noose with his paw, Max let out a little yelp, “This one in particular has the audacity bathe in Meow de perfume to such an extent that it’d send any sensible dog running for cover.” Looking around for a means of escape, Max saw that there was none. Sighing to himself, he carefully placed the paper and the reading glasses on the table, then stood up and circled three times before laying down again. Taking care to tuck his nose inside his warm hind leg. “There that’s much better,” he sighed to himself before drifting off to a dream filled with rabbits and bones.

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