Jillian in Space Part 1

After Jillian’s first adventure she invested all that she had earned into the business that Spooky and she had started. It was an instant success and Jillian started her own piloting school for up and inspiring cat pilots. Within time she came well known throughout the animal world to such an extent that other animal species sought to do business with her. Jillian at first was wary, but seeing the potential for an expanded market, she decided it give it a try. One of these very first business attempts involved going into space with a certain dog astronaut named Max.
Now, I know what you’re saying. Dogs and cats can’t be friends or even business partners, and in fact this is the point that I put to Jillian when she related to me this story on a stormy Thursday night, a few years later. Apparently peace and mutual respect had existed with between the different species for several years and that business deals were not unheard off. In general cats preferred working alone, given that they’re the superior species. But from time to time a mutual business agreement must be made for the betterment of all animal kind. In this instance it involved building Meowolf, the first cat and dog space station; to which Jillian had invested a small fortune in, as well as being the principal designer.
When I asked her how she found time to do all these things, she cocked her grey fluffy head at me and meowed, “What did you think I was doing all those times you thought I was hiding.” I really couldn’t give her an adequate explanation, and so she continued, “Before you even ask if human and cats will be able to work side by side, know this. Humans have the base intelligence of ants and thus they have a lot to learn before they can ever dream of being on the same playing field as their canine counterparts. Which is a far cry from having the ability to work with their gods.”
Letting the matter drop, I expressed my desire to record and share her adventures with the others. At first she refused, then after a moments pause, she meowed, “Perhaps someday, on the condition that you relate them precisely as I have related them to you.”
That dear readers, is what I intend to do with this next story.