Jillian's First Flight Part 4

As the air whistled around her ears, Jillian felt herself being yanked backwards as her pink parachute with her company’s logo eject from the pack strapped onto her back. Looking down at the raging ocean, Jillian dreaded getting even one of her paws wet. Reaching into her jacket, she pulled out a piece of inflate a duck bubble yum. Not bothering to unwrap it, Jillian popped it into her mouth and began chewing furiously. Within a few minutes, the gum was thoroughly chewed and Jillian spread it across the front of her mouth with her tongue and blew. On the first attempt, the duck’s tail formed. Sucking in Jillian blew with all her might and watched with satisfaction as the body and head formed. Now all she had to do was tie it off without popping it.
Pinching the rear end of the duck with care, Jillian removed it from her mouth and with a little cry plucked some fur from her side. Taking the strands of fur, she wrapped it around the end of the bubble yum and tied it off. Letting it drop into the ocean, Jillian aimed her tiny grey paws in the direction of the pink rubber ducky raft. Landing as softly as she could, Jillian hissed in frustration as one of her claws punctured a small hole in the back of the raft. “How am I going to get home in time,” Jillian softly meowed to herself. Then a sudden idea hit her, “Purring loudly, she aimed her craft in the direction of shore, then removed the temporarily path she placed over the puncture.
The front of the rubber ducky raft, lifted in the air and shot toward the shore. Throwing Jillian to the back of the raft. “Whoa ducky,” Jillian meowed in surprise. Removing the pack from her shoulders, Jillian threw the parachute around the neck of the duck and held on for dear life. Within a few minutes, Jillian had reached the New Jersey shore and quickly clambered onto the beach as the raft was dragged back into the ocean by the tide.
A half an hour later, Jillian had called a cat taxi and was on her way back home. Her human would of course wonder what the extra charges on his account came from; but most of the time he was so exhausted that the simple things like that always escaped his notice. She prayed to the great Meower of Heaven that this would be the case. Jillian eye lids felt heavy as the rumble of the taxi began to lull her to sleep. Curling up into a ball, she closed her eyes and let herself drift into a well-deserved cat nap.
The End