Jillian's first flight

12:00 am
It was a stormy night when Jillian finished applying the last bit of materials to her makeshift crop-duster plane. She knew that it was a rough job, but she prayed to the great Meower of heaven, the Protector of the large ball of string, that this makeshift contraception would hold together long enough for her to complete her first flight.
Glancing at the monitor she had installed on her human, which was disguised as a piece of grey fur, Jillian saw that he was still at work and was about to take his first fifteen minute break. This gave her roughly six hours to get everything done. Luckily this was going to be a short trip to upstate NY were the supplies had been stored in a warehouse by her client a cool cat that went by the name Spooky. Jillian had never meant him, only talked to him on her meow phone, which was activated by a particular twitch of her tail. He seemed nice enough and the deal seemed to be on the level. Spooky had a warehouse in Ithaca NY that was filled with catnip and other exotic spices that he wanted to sell at rock bottom prices, but he had no means of delivering them. This is where Jillian came in. If she could deliver the merchandise, with the use of tiny parachutes, to the buyers in a timely manner, then she could keep half the profit and she and Spooky would enter into a business relationship.
“This is the break I’ve been waiting for,” Jillian purred silently to herself as she mounted the plane, turned the ignition switch, which coughed the engine to life. “Well here goes nothing,” Jillian meowed to herself, as she released the break and took off down the deserted country road.