
January 6 2025
It has come to my attention that there has been numerous questions about the disappearance of Jillian during her battle with the Rat King. Since I myself have not seen her in some time, I’m forced to assume that her Mach 30 super jet went down in battle. There will be a private ceremony held for friends and family members. She survived by her husband Spooky of seven years and her three humans, Richard, Barbara and Roxanne Susie Polk.
As per her instructions I, Richard Polk have been named executor of her will and will state her following requests,
Meow, meow meow and meow. Meow, Meow Meow, Purr, Purr, Meooooow (here is a pause for breath) Meow, meow meow Meow!
Roughly translated, “If you are reading this, then I am assumed dead. I’ve led a good life and have no regrets. As for my worldly possessions, including my three humans, I leave in the capable paws of Spooky, my dear husband. As for my human Richard, I grant the permission to record and share with the public, nine of my greatest exploits, which he has so often begged to do. Being of a humble nature, I was hesitant of such publicity, but on my passing I feel it is duty to pass on my knowledge to a younger generation of cats and their humans. I sincerely hope that they take what I have learned and build on it, which will in the end bring peace to all cats and restore them to their rightful place of worship.
Jillian Princess Polk