Who's a Good Boy

Doubling his speed, White Wizard the Crowton Factory as Father threw the door open and emerged with Sister thrown over his shoulder…
Father scowled at the white haired boy, “Go home son, this is no place for a kid.”
White Wizard looked up at him, smiled sweetly, turned, and ran the other way. After a few minutes, he looked behind him and saw Father had disappeared. Sliding to a stop, he muttered under his breath, “Holy Macaroni.” With a puff of thick white smoke, White Wizard resumed his previous appearance, then raced back to the factory. Yanking open the door, he rushed in dreading of what he’d find inside. Reaching the inner room, White Wizard saw Brother’s lifeless body crumpled on the cold cement floor. Without hesitation, he flung Brother over his left shoulder and cried, “Desaparecen!” With a puff of white and black smoke they both disappeared.
Within a short period of time, White Wizard reappeared in a worn down shack on the outskirts of town. This wreck had been his home ever since he started practicing his first spell. Laying Brother on the sagging bed, White Wizard disappeared and reappeared in a matter of moments carrying Brother’s golden retriever under his left arm and a heavy black sack in his right. Placing the dog down, he tied its leash to the bed post and then removed white candles from the bag and placed them completely around the bed. Stepping back from the candles, White Wizard waved his hand over them, causing them to light. Sighing, he knew that this was not the path Brother had chosen for himself, nevertheless it was the path that had been chosen for him.
Picking up a heavy black leather book that was cracked with age, White Wizard placed it carefully on the wobbly wood table. Picking up a similar white book, he patiently turned the pages, till he came to the spell he was looking for. Mumbling the words under his breath, he watched as white and black smoke began circulating around Brother and the golden retriever. Black clouds rolled in and rain and lighting began spattering the ground outside the shack, the ground shook violently causing half-filled bottles to fall and smash on the floor, some of them exploding in small fireballs upon impact. Still White Wizard continued to mumble the words under his breath.
A few hours later, the golden retriever gave a yelp and fell down dead. White Wizard looked at the deceased dog and turned away. ‘These kind of things take time,’ he thought to himself. Going into the dirt floor kitchen, he began searching for a pan and broom that he had sworn he had ‘borrowed’ from a neighbor. Finding it, White Wizard had begun sweeping up the mess, when a dog yelp vibrated off of the window panes. Duping the pile of dirt back onto the floor, he ran into the bedroom to see the Golden retriever laying on its back, while wiggling its body back and forth, emitting small barks of pleasure. Looking at the happy dog, White Wizard said, “Now whenever you’re done with this foolishness, we need to find a way to harness your powers, so that you can change back whenever you like, Brother.”
The golden retriever rolled over and sat up, starring at White Wizard, it began to pant, then said, “What have you done to me?”
“I’ve saved your life, that’s what I did. Now it’s going to be some time before you’re able to change back. How are you at fetching sticks?”
“I can show you how well I bite,” Brother growled, showing his crystal white teeth.
White Wizard laughed, ‘Oh the fun I’m going to have,” he thought to himself as he went over and patted Brother on the head. Receiving a sharp nip in the process. ‘Yup this is going to be fun.’