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White Wizard

White Wizard knew something was up when his brother did not show. Looking around him, he began to pick up signs of being watched. It was time to make an exit. Turning quickly around the corner which he had been leaning against, White Wizard walked rapidly down the dark alley. Turning slightly, he saw three of the five men turn down after him. Quickening his pace, White Wizard saw the corner of the alley come into view. ‘Now would be the perfect chance for me to try out my new spell,’ he thought to himself. Turning the corner, he whispered to himself, “Holy Macaroni.” With a puff of thick white smoke he transformed into a six year old kid with dimples. Waving his hands above his head, he pushed the smoke down towards the open end of the alley. As the men came bounding around the corner, he picked up a round rock from the ground and began throwing it against the brick wall. The three men glared at him as the think of the rock echoed throughout the alley. The tall skinny one of the three asked, “Hey kid, did you see where the tall thick man with white long hair went?”

White wizard silently pointed towards the end of the alley where the white smoke was slowly dissipating and watched as the three men tore down the open end of the alley. Tossing the rock up and down in his hand, he took aim at the back of the nearest man, when the first gunshot went off. The sound paralyzed him. Dropping the rock, White Wizard turn and raced the opposite way, pumping his little legs as hard as he could. A thousand thoughts flew through his mind, none of them good. He was halfway towards the location of the gunshot, when the second one went off….

Authors note…tune in next week or the week after the conclusion of Crow and Soul

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