Brother's Final words

Brother had just reached the factory when he heard the gun go off. Smashing through the door, he streaked past the red rusted machinery, fearing the worst. Something must have happened to Sister, there was no doubt about it, but was he too late to save her. Bursting through the doorway entrance to the last room, Brother slid to a stop next to Sisters crumpled body. Falling to his knees, he pressed his hand to her wrist, feeling for a pulse. There was none. Weeping, Brother closed her eyes with his left hand and then kissed her cold lips for the last time. He heard a shuffling behind him and the clicking of a hammer being pulled into place. His time was up, but there was no way he was going down without a fight. Standing up, Brother turned to find Father pointing a nasty looking gun at his head. Brother looked Father straight in the eyes, “Why did you have to kill her?” He wept.
“It was my duty,” Father replied. “If only you’d left well enough alone, she’d still be alive.”
“She was your Daughter,” Brother screamed. “Have you no compassion? Have you no love?”
“You ignorant fool,” Father seethed. “What do you know of love? Did you figure that you’ll runaway together and have your ‘happy ending?’ Let me tell you something son, there is no such thing as a happy ending. I’m sorry that it had to come to this for you to recognize this singular truth.”
“Wow, you’re a real piece of work.” Brother replied. “So what now?”
“Now I’m going to shoot you” Father replied. “Then complete the required rituals for initiating the curse of the undead. As is required by Master who gets his orders directly from Crow & Company.”
“How can you live yourself, knowing what you’ve done and are about to do your Daughter, my beloved?”
“I think I’ll find away.” Father replied squeezing the trigger.
Brother dove the right as the gun went off. The bullet missed him by inches. Jumping to his feet, he rushed Father and made a grab for the gun. Bang! Brother fell to the factory floor with a bullet hole emerging out of the back of his skull.
Father looked at Brother’s lifeless corpse for a moment, then he stepped over his body and scooped up Daughter, throwing her lifeless corpse over his shoulder. “Come on my Daughter, there are still things that need to be done.