Sister's Stand

Yanking the handle down, Father winced as the door screeched open. He was surprised that he hadn’t heard it earlier. Stepping quietly into the factory, though he doubted that stealth was still needed, giving the screeching of the door; Father walked past red rusted turbines that had at one time leaked black tears. Entering the last room, he heard Daughter call out, “Brother is that you?”
“No Daughter, I’m not the black haired rat, you are so fond of.” Father replied. “I have come to take you home, to the place you rightfully belong.”
“Father if you really cared about me, then you’d let me leave with Brother. You know that the life of a concubine is harsh. Giving the young of our people as slaves to Crow & Company is wrong, tell me how a loving Father, one who says he cares about the wellbeing of his people – of his own Daughter, would allow this?”
“I’m sorry Daughter, but the law is the law. I must do as Master bids.”
“Master, Master, Master,” Daughter spat. “When will you start thinking for yourself Father?”
“Daughter, I really do care about you and that is why I’ve come to bring you back.” Father replied, his hand wrapping around the butt of the pistol. “You know the law, you know the punishment that must be extracted on those who defy Crow& Company- those who refuse to enter his service. It’s death. A fate worse than death. A curse is placed on the deceased that they’ll dwell among the dead being the undead. Then they’re bodies are chopped into pieces to be left for all eternity as neither the dead nor the living. Now, Daughter listen to me, I really do know what’s best for you. I’ve made a deal with Master that if you hand over Brother and come peacefully with me, then all would be forgiven and you’d be the first in his bed on the of the night of initiation.”
“Father are you even listening to yourself,” Sister screamed. “Who in their right mind would betray the one they love, for a life of slavery with the highlights of being manhandled by wrinkly hands the smell of Desitin Cream.”
“It’s better than the alternative,” Father replied, pulling out the 45.
“Is it Father, is it?” Sister screamed. “I’d rather die than enter that life. I want to be free to choose my own destiny.”
“We don’t have that luxury Daughter,” Father yelled in reply. “Now enough of the foolishness, you’re coming back with me, even if I have to knock you out and carry you myself.”
“Father, I’m not going back with you. You must decide today, what kind of man you are.” Sister replied, fighting to keep her temper under control. “You can do what is right, and let Brother and I leave. Or you can do as you’ve always done and follow the letter of the law, even though you know it’s wrong. Either way the choice is yours.”
Father cocks the gun, “You know that I don’t want to do this daughter. You leave me no choice. I must do what is right, I must do what Master requires of me.”
Sister looks at the gun, hoping to see it waver in Fathers hands. It was rock steady, “Father.”
“Yes, Daughter what is it?”
“I forgive you…”