Hidden Messages

Daughter waited silently a few minutes after Father had left, holding her breath lest he suddenly return, find her beaming smug face, and instantly grow suspicious. Looking around her room, she was amazed her little ruse had worked. Ever since the night of the dance, she knew that it was only a matter of time before Father heard about the dance, and reacted in an unfavorable way. Having sent Sister Minor to Brother with a message, she had informed him of her suspicions, and sought a means of correspondence that would go undetected. After some thought, Brother had suggested the use of Father Minor, in the way of him sewing the messages into the dresses as they were made. Sister agreed. Father Minor, at first was hesitant, but with the use of brother’s fist and a small bag of gold coins, he soon saw the error of his ways.
That was three days ago, and Sister was just about to read Brother’s latest message, when she heard Father’s commanding footsteps coming down the stone hall. Quickly, she yanked all the dresses from her closet, amongst other things and tossed them around the room, with the hope that the mess would distract him from her activity at the Vanity. It had worked. It had actually worked. Sister was as pleased as punch, passing her eyes over her carefully created mess, she decided that she’d clean up later, for now she had to read and reply to Brother’s message. Taking a jeweled dagger, Sister carefully sliced under the red, sealed wax and excitedly opened the letter
Dear Sister,
My love, my life
How I miss the embrace of your scented arms
I long for the day that our boiling passion meets the rising sun
Entwined, we’ll roll like the tides of the sea
I promise that it’ll be a night that you’ll not forget
As we become one, in and out of time.