From the Desk of Brother Tobias

As best our records can indicate, the events above took place in the world Corvus, in the year 2016, eighty years into Crow’s reign. I, Brother Tobias, have been commissioned by the governor Christoph, a loyal follower and shareholder of Crow & Company, to gather the various documents concerning the events dealing with the early reign of Crow, the rebellion and the unavoidable changes that came from such an event.
To better describe the above scene and the ones to follow, I feel that it’s necessary to explain a few things before we get too far. First and foremost, this is a fiction, a myth and should be taken as such. As we all well know, any action taken against the local government, is an action taken against Crow, and will be dealt with most severely. I say this not to strike to fear into your hearts, but as one who desires not to see anyone else disappear.
Secondly, Corvus is considered a backwards world by today’s standards, though our esteemed governor is doing everything in his power to bring it to modern times, it was even more so back then. Through modernization, the indoctrination of the young, the ritual sacrifices (except in the case of the Lady in the Mirror), the taking of boys and girls as concubines; except in the rare cases when the parents sell their children for a better life, as in the case of Anny our esteemed celebrity, who is well pampered, and performs her duties with the upmost pleasure and sincerity. That lucky girl.
But I’m getting off topic here. Where was I, oh yes, backwards planet. Possibly one of the most drastic changes was that of the citizen’s roles in society. The old caste system was gotten rid of and a new one was put in its place. No longer were citizens referred to Brother minor or Sister Major. But instead, was granted individual names and identities, provided they fell in line with the new and somewhat radical laws set in place by Crow & Company. But this is not the only change that seemingly took place during this transition. The general structure of language changed as well. Before this time and shortly after, people of Corvus spoke in rhymes when conversing with one another. This was slowly beginning to fade out of style during the beginning of Crow’s reign, and was officially phased out when the new set of laws were put into place. It can still be found though, if one knows where to look.
Now that I’ve gotten these things covered, I believe that its best to move onto the next section of our story