First Dance

Daughter looked around the main hall in awe. Banners of various sizes and colors adorned the walls, each one representing a different class, race or world. She had learned about all of them, though at the moment she couldn’t recall a single detail about any of them; nor did she want to. The dance floor was a sea of twirling dresses. Sister began to imagine herself being led onto the dance floor by brother; the feel of his rough, gentle hand on the small of her back, as he led her to the dance floor and quietly waited in anticipation for the Orchestra to start.
“Ahumm,” an old raspy voice sounded near her ear. Pulling her thoughts back from delirious desire and back to herself, daughter looked to find an old shriveled man bearing the official mark of Crow &Company. He held out his purple, veined, wrinkled hand, with a gaudy carbonado ring, out for her to kiss. Taking his hand, Daughter pressed it to her lips, resisting the compulsion to gag as the smell of vinegar and fish, mixed with dentin cream, forced its way into her nose. Taking her white, gloved hand, he dragged her out on the floor as the Orchestra began to play. Daughter knew that she should be flattered that someone from a higher class was paying her this sort of attention; and yet he gave her the creeps. Pulling her close to his breast, much closer than the standard four inches, he said,
Relax Daughter of Chemist, enjoy this moment.
This is but an appetizer of the buffet I have to offer
You and your sisters once you’re given to Crow & Company.
With a wink and a smile, he gave her butt a sharp pinch and twirled her around the dance floor. Daughter wanted to slap him, but couldn’t as she was trying to avoid being stepped on by his clumsy feet. As the dance ended, a black, gloved hand fell on the Old Man’s shoulder, and much to her relief, Daughter heard the voice of brother, “May I cut in?”
With a huff, the shriveled old man released Daughter, while glaring at Brother. Turning back to Daughter, he said, “I’ll see you soon, my dear, with a lot less clothes on of course.” Leaning in, he loudly kissed her cheek, then moved on to find another dance partner.
When he had left, Daughter shivered, “That man gives me the creeps.”
“Put it out of your mind, sister. Come it looks like you could use some fresh air. Step out on the Veranda with me, and enjoy the freshness of night.