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Temple of Crow

Hand in Hand, Father and Daughter walked down the hall and into the waiting black and white horse-drawn carriage. In no time they reached the temple of Crow, which was soon to become Daughter’s home. The temple was made entirely of the finest glass that sparkled like a dull crystal in the evening sun. The glass was thick and opaque, thus preventing prying eyes from seeing inside.

As the carriage came to a jolting stop, a footman opened the carriage door, and took the extended, white, gloved hand of Daughter. Helping her out, he then helped father out as well. With a slight bow, Father thanked him, linked his arm within Daughter’s and together they walked down the glass walkway, and through the thick, glass doors which had three separate pictures carved into them. The top most one that was directly in the center of the door, which, subsequently split in two when the door was pulled open by the doorman, was a picture of Crow in all his splendor and glory. The carving on the left was one of an apple tree. Daughter had heard legends of this mysterious tree. It was told that long ago this tree was a symbol of peace for the six worlds, long lost when instability came from the uprising of the androids. This was what prompted Crow to take charge of the six worlds, though there were still those who defied his rule. Valsca, a warrior planet, which was ruled by women, was one. Then there were those like Brother, who on appearance seemed to comply with Crow &Company’s ruling, but who sought nothing but the utter destruction of Crow and his kind. Perhaps it was his need to live dangerously was what attracted Daughter to him in the first place; soon she’d be with him. Daughter sighed contentedly.

The third picture, which was on the right door, was one of a full-length, standing mirror; shrunken down to size, of course. Daughter knew nothing of this carving. Learning of such knowledge, or any knowledge that was not approved, was severely frowned upon. Not like that ever stopped Daughter from asking. This time was no exception.

To be continued next week….

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