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A knock on the cedar door broke Daughter’s train of thought.

“Enter,” Daughter said.

“Pardon the intrusion, Sister” said Sister Minor, opening the heavy, oak door, and slipping her slim frame inside.

“What is it, Sister Minor.”

Sister Minor gave a small curtsey, and replied,

“Pardon my intrusion Sister,

Father Minor sent me to see

If you’re ready to be fitted.”

Sister gave a sigh, folding her hands again in front of her, attempting to regain the happy memory that had been stripped from her…

“Sister, if I may”

“Oh what is it, Sister Minor?”

“Pardon this intrusion, but Father Minor is waiting

For final measurement. May I let him in?”

Turning in her chair, Sister threw her hands in the air.

“Fine, fine, let him in. But if you would do me a favor.”

“Yes, Sister, your will is mine to obey,” Sister Minor said with a curtsy.

“Quit asking me to pardon you,

Speak your mind, and if I don’t like what you say,

Then I’ll throw you out the window. Now let Minor Father in,

And tell that fool to keep his hands where they can be seen.”

Curtsying, Sister Minor opened the large, oak door and slipped partially out. Turning back to the mirror, Sister could hear the arguing that was taking place in the hall. ‘If only they would hurry, then I might still have some time to myself,’ thought Sister to herself.

There was a knock on light, brown door.

“Enter,” said Sister wearily.

“Pardon the intruss…” Minor Sister began before ducking as a silver ash tray came flying through the air at her head.

“I told you, you Idiotic Minor Sister,

Stop asking me to Pardon You.” Sister yelled, the jade, hair brush poised in her arm, ready to be thrown.

“If you pardo…Ah I mean if you’ll excuse the interruption

of an Old Minor Father,” Minor Father began. The jade, hair brush struck him on the forehead.


“I warned you,” Sister grumbled, turning towards the mirror, slapping her arms across her chest, all the while mumbling to herself

“Come now sister, Come now, be fair.

Take not your frustration out on us,

we the minor are here to serve,

we the minor are here to prepare you

we the minor are here to measure you

for the Ball of Ascension

Nothing more, nothing less,

Please let us do our job.”

Sister looked at Father Minor, as words poured too freely from his mouth. It was fortunate for him, that his position as a seamster was well established in the court, otherwise she’d have him thrown down the stones steps for such insolent talk.

“Fine, then stop wasting my time and do your job,” Sister replied, getting up from the chair, and holding up her arms for the measurement.

“And mind where you put your hands.”

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