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Dear Reader's

Dear readers,

As was mentioned last Tuesday in last Tuesday’s writing group by a fellow writer (Jessica, I believe her name is), that there are times when it’s good to take a break from your current project, so as to recharge your batteries and regain focus. In the light of this wisdom, I’m pushing off the scheduled outline and, instead, submitting for your reading pleasure, the two prompts that I had written at the meeting. Enjoy.


Richard M Polk

1st prompt

Sex, drugs and rock &roll- your never to young your never to old? (Saliva song lyric)

“Wait, you could send any message out to space for other intelligent life to read, and you choose that, why?” George, the ever so brilliant taxidermist, asked.

“Do I have to have a reason?” replied Sandy, the half-wit store manager.

“Well yes, I mean no... It is your choice since you did win ‘The one in a life time chance to record a message and send it out to space. Sponsored by NASA are us. “

“Yup, I’m the winner alright,” Sandy remarked. “I still don’t understand how I won again. I never subscribed for that magazine; but that doesn’t matter…”what matters is I won, and I can say whatever I want to say.

Editor’s note…

This recording was retrieved last year. It’s been floating in space for the past 5,000 years. Since all recording to that period were lost a thousand years ago (great digital crash of 24,016), we are to assume that this is how civilization existed back then. It’s my conclusion that they all were oversexed, head banging coke heads. Here is a picture of what we believe these people have looked like

Second prompt:

Imagine if had a touch of magic, and could make the impossible happen- what would I do?

You find yourself in a mysterious place, the floor and walls are made of a grey cushioning substance that squish between your bare feet as move around. Gawking at the numerous spinning wheels that clank and clunk in clockwise precision, you jump off the track made of dark roast coffee beans to avoid being hit by a wooden cart marked, ‘Ideas’. As it comes barreling by, its shimmering black contents swish about madly, forming various shapes. A fog horn blows in the distance, as the cart races past a gigantic light bulb. The black liquid jumps from the cart and onto the bulb, creating a blue spark as it does so. The light bulb flashes on, blinding you. Staggering around, you cover your face with your hands. Watch out! Too late to catch yourself, you trip and fall into a vat of wax marked, ‘Character molding use only’.

Now as you realize where you’re at, grin and bear it well. For you have stepped into my imagination factory, and there is no escape.

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