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Rewind for Redemption

“What, why aren’t you dead?” Crow screamed. Spinning around, he grabbed the Narrator by the collar of his shirt. “Why isn’t he dead?” Crow screamed, spittle flying from his mouth and on to Narrators face.

“His fate is yet to be determined,” Narrator calmly replied.

Dropping him back in his seat the Crow once again called on the One Who Saves. There was no response. Raging, Crow pulled out a blaster and fired it into Nosos’ chest. Nothing happened. Screaming, he conjured out of the air an Iron bull, with a hot burning blaze beneath it. Grabbing Nosos, he shoved him in there, waiting with anticipation for the screams. None came. Throwing open the side, which burned his hand upon contact, he looked in amazement as Nosos didn’t have a mark on him. “Do you have a wiener I can roast?” Nosos asked.

Turning around, steam rolling off his head, he screamed, “and why can’t I kill him, he’s not even blinking like that other fool.”

“He’s the main character, and he won’t be killed off in the story line.” Narrator replied. “You, however, are not as fortunate.”

“And what, pray tell, can you do to me?” Crow replied, smirking. “I’m the all-powerful Crow. None dare stand before me.”

“Have you not forgotten how the One Who Saves works?” Narrator calmly replied. “He always provides his followers with the means to defeat the likes of you.”

“Oh yeah, and where is this salvation that you so arrogantly boast of?” Crow scoffed.

Just then a dove carrying a tape recorder flew in through the mirror, and came to land on the Narrator’s left shoulder. Taking the recorder from the Dove, Narrator punched the rewind button. Scenes of the therapy sessions flashed by them in mere moments. Narrator hit the play button just as Danny had reached the count of ten. Amidst the confusion of seeing doubles of themselves, Narrator yelled, “Danny, you know what you must do.”

Danny looked up and smiled. In three quick strides he had embraced the Crow and dragged him away from the rest. They watched in amazement as Danny exploded with Tinnese Crow in his arms, his last words forming on his lips, “Thank you for giving me the chance of redemption.” Then he was gone in a brilliant flash of light.

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