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Crow revealed Part 1

Recognizing the seriousness of the events that were taking place, the remaining characters, except for the Crow, took their seats without being asked. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I call this session to order,” said the Crow, as he paced back and forth in front of the group, with his arms behind his back, like a general addressing his troops. He scowled at each one, in turn, as he passed.

After a few minutes, the Narrator spoke up. “So what’s the game plan here, Crow? Are you going to ask your remaining questions, or demand again the presence of the One Who Saves?”

“Shut up,” growled the Crow. “Why isn’t he here? I guess he didn’t consider you worth seeing.”

The Crow moved close to the Narrator, “Wait, I have a request to make,” squeaked the Narrator, as the Crow lifted him off his chair and began to bounce him on his knee, like one would a soccer ball.

“Oh, what would that be?” replied the Crow, as he kicked the Narrator across the room into a makeshift goal, which had been hastily prepared by the other characters in the amount of time it had taken the Narrator to fly across the room.

Picking himself up, Narrator checked himself over in case the seat of his pants had caught on fire. This is the kind of thing that could happen at any time. Seeing that he was alright, he walked back to the group. “Since you’re not interested in having the rest of your questions answered, may I ask a few of my own?”

The Crow scowled, then laughed. “Now that we know who has the real power, I don’t see any harm in allowing my subordinates to ask a question or two.”

“First, what makes you think that you have any more power than what I wrote for you to have? I alone control your fate. I wrote you in, I can write you out.”

Crow laughed. “In response to your first question, my dear Narrator, you were the one who gave me this power, and now you’re powerless to stop me. As for death, I know that it’s my fate to die, and I welcome it. But the One within won’t allow this to happen until the One Who Saves is defeated.”

“I know of such a demon, and you have my pity Crow,” Narrator said. “If you answer my next two questions, then I have no doubt that the One Who Saves will make an appearance. “First, why don’t you show us what you really look like? Take off this false mask that everybody sees. Second, why do you think that you can order the One Who Saves to appear? Do you have any more control over him, than any of us? What makes you any different?”

Crow smiled, then a shimmering image seemed to glow around him and lifted off. It dissipated in the air a few feet from him. What stood in its place was a naked old man, scarred from head to toe. He smiled, then frowned before crumbling into dust. A glowing light seeped out of the dust and flew into Tinnese’s mouth.



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