Crow takes Charge Part 2: Narrators reflection.

The Narrator himself had no fear of the Crow, though he had to admit to himself, as he paced the factory floor minutes before the weekly meeting was to begin, that Crow had more power and influence than he had ever intended. But what is done is done. Crow had a majority of power for a fictional character; and as such he had much sway over what went on in the story line that he was created for. What was his strength was also his weakness. For as far as the Narrator knew, a character can’t act out of the words that define his actions.
No, Crow didn’t scare the Narrator, it was the one within the Crow that set his heart running away in fear. Little was known about the one within. It was this spirit, this devil, that gave the Crow his powers. It was cold and cruel, forcing the Crow to do its bidding. When he refused, he was tortured to the point of death; only to be brought back to fulfill the desire of the One who owned him. The last time such an episode happened, the Crow was more dead than alive. This was an indication to the One who possessed him, that his host’s time was nearing an end, and that another host, one as dark or darker than the Crow was needed. So a plan was set in motion, much to the Crow’s dismay and unwilling assistance to capture a replacement.
Narrator knew all this, for he had written it into existence through the tapping of his keys. The fact remained though, that this spirit was still a bit of a wild card. Given that the requests to One Who Saves went unanswered throughout the week, gave the Narrator cause to worry. Pulling out his plain, sliver pocket watch, he checked the time. About five minutes to go. Straightening the chairs, he glanced at the two that had held Amos and Symphony. He knew their outcomes. He knew that what had happened to them was for the best. If only he knew what was going to happen in this therapy session. He watched, gloomfully as the remaining characters shuffled into the room. He was now a part of them as they had always been a part of him. It was now time to face the music.