My Mind High in the Sky

My mind high in the sky
Floats above the earth’s atmosphere.
Casting its gaze down below
It observes its’ fellow inhabitants
In a constant row.
Is peace ever possible, it ponders
As cries from either side, thunder past
Pleading to one higher than its own
That they’re in the right
My mind high in the sky
Hears no reply, from the one above
Yet a tear drops from my mind’s eye
As it weighs the arguments of both sides
It finds it can’t decide who’s right or wrong
Both have valid arguments
Both accuse the other of the same thing
A stalemate comes into play,
When both insist on their way
My mind descends in rapid disarray
Not knowing what to say
It enters my restless body
As I awake, twisted in my covers
Ready to face the horrors of the day