Crow's Questions Part 2

“Yeah well, we’ll see about that,” the proxy Narrator replied. “I still want to know what is causing those explosions. Nosos, they seem to be coming from your direction. Care to explain what is causing them?”
“Hey, I thought it was my turn to ask the questions?” Protested the Crow.
“It is, and you’ll get your chance shortly; but right now I’m asking Nosos a question,” replied the proxy Narrator.
“They’re exploding toothpicks, Narrator Sir,” replied Nosos. “Every time one of them gets soggy, I throw it away and get another one from the box.”
“Okay,” sighed the Narrator. “Just try and keep your consumption to a minimal, please. Now Crow, as you’ve already blatantly pointed out, it’s your turn to ask me three questions. Do you know what they are?”
“Yes I do, and I’ll reveal them periodically as the rest of this foolish drama unfolds. For now, I’ll reveal to you my first question.”
“Cocky bastard, isn’t he?” the Narrator thought to himself, before replying, “Okay, and your first one is?”
“Why aren’t you down here to conduct this therapy session in person? I demand you come down here at once.”
“First off, my dear Crow,” the Narrator replied. “You know very well why I’m up here. It’s for your protection as well as mine. And to keep the record straight, you don’t make the demands around here. I do.”
“That’s complete B.S, and you know it,” replied the Crow. “The only one you care about protecting is yourself; and if I’m not mistaken, our little lady here, as well.”
Symphony looked up and snarled, “I’m not little and I don’t need any male to protect me.”
“Anyway, as I was saying before that freak of nature disrupted me,” continued the Crow, as he pointed his index finger at Symphony, pinning her to her chair, before she’d do something foolish-like trying to tear him limb from limb. “You have no qualms about hurting us in any way you deem necessary, as in the case of Mr. Smith. I told you that there would be retribution for doing away with a man under my employ. The time of reckoning is now. Furthermore, I believe that we’ve had this discussion before of who’s actually in charge. Now it seems that your protection, your protector, is gone. If this is the case, than you have no more power than the rest of your fellow characters. Now I won’t ask again. AMOS, SON OF WORTHLESS CORVIAN PARENTS, COME DOWN HERE NOW!”
Amos struggled against the demand, but whatever power the Crow possessed was too powerful to resist. He felt the thick glass panes begin to vibrate, then explode, as the window frame bent out of proportion. Amos clamped onto the chair’s leg, but that wasn’t secured to the floor. He found himself being sucked out of the room and hitting the factory floor, before clouds of murky, black descended upon his mind.