Nosos Questions Part 1

This naturally caused everyone to start arguing with each other. The Narrator knew that it was time to call the meeting to order. Clicking the mike, he thanked them for treating him to that rhyme; and that if they’d be so kind as to take their seats, then they could get started.
They ignored him.
Turning red in the face, he grabbed the mike and screamed, “Take your seats now, or so help me, I’ll delete every last one of you.”
There was a scramble as the characters raced each other to their seats. Danny, who was moving really slow, got spun like a top in the process. “Gentlemen, now that…”
“And women,” interjected Symphony.
“Yes and women; don’t interrupt me again, Symphony,” coldly replied the Narrator. “Now if I remember correctly, it’s Nosos’ turn to ask the questions. Nosos, do you know the three questions?”
“Yes, sir, I do.” Nosos replied.
“Narrator, for the love of the One Who Saves, call me Narrator.”
“Fine, Narrator, sir,” Nosos replied. “I know my three questions.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“My three questions are: Why was I pulled out of my world and into this one, will I be able to save Tinnese from the choices he makes, and will I succeed in my quest, and make it back to my own time?” Said Nosos.
“In answer to your first question, Nosos, you know why you were pulled out of your world. It was your finger that pulled the trigger of the gun that you held against your temple.”
“I know, Narrator, sir.” Nosos said, his voice beginning to crack. “What I want to know is why. Why was I pulled out of my world? Why would you choose someone like me?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” the Narrator said. “It was for mercy that you were pulled out of your world. It was for mercy that you were given the quest to undertake.”
“You call it mercy, making me and the Old Man endure what we did, you call sending me on a suicide mission, mercy. Face it, Narrator, you need me to do your dirty work.”
“Need you?” the Narrator asked. “The One Who Saves doesn’t need your help. He could easily handle this situation on his own. And yet he gave you this task, Nosos - Man of Disease. Now why do you think he would do that?”
“I never asked for anyone’s pity,” Nosos snapped. “I would’ve been fine, if he’d left well enough alone.”
“You’d be dead.” the Narrator fired back. “Have you not been listening to anything I’ve been saying? The One Who Saves, wanted to save you, but in order for him to do so, you must be willing to accept his offer to save you. In your current state, you were unwilling to let him work in you. Nosos, you’re a bull-headed man of action. The only way he could get through to you, the only way he could redeem you from yourself, is by putting you through these challenging tasks.
The Narrator heard Nosos weeping in the background. It was times like this that the Narrator hated his job; but Nosos needed to hear the truth. He hoped that now he would be the better for it. Clicking the mike, the Narrator informed the characters that the time for this week’s session was up; and that he’ll see them again the same time next week.