Old Man's Questions Part Four

The Narrator didn’t know what had gotten into him. Never before had he slipped up. Never had he shown his hand before the timing was right. He had been on this quest for too long. In fact, it had started right after he had fulfilled his promise to Nosos those many years ago. It almost felt like a decade. Then, three weeks ago, he learned of his love’s demise at the hands of Tinnese and Danny. His quest was over; and yet the ‘real narrator’ kept feeding him information- only what he wanted the ‘narrator’ to pass on. That damned man with gnarled, weathered hands, and a cough that he assumed was the result of some undeniable damage to the lungs. Had not the man admitted himself that his time was coming to a close; and that was the reason why all of this had come around in the first place? But, that was then and this is now. The characters were in their usual spot; with the white box having been fully assembled, shrunk and lengthened like an accordion. It was time for the next session to begin.
Clicking the mike, the narrator said, “Well, I see that you got that contraption up and working. Good for you. Now, Old Man I believe that you still have two questions that you’d like me to answer.”
“Yes, they are…” the Old Man began.
“There’s no need for you to remind me. I took notes from last time. Let’s see…” the sound of rustling papers could be heard over the intercom. Within a few short minutes, the Narrator’s success was announced by an, ‘ah-ha, I knew it was around here somewhere.’ “Now, Old Man your questions are, does Tinnese get his revenge against the Crow and do the Wizard brothers stop him in the end, and does Nosos get back to his own time?”
“No, my questions were…” began the Old Man.
“In answer to your questions, I believe that I’ve already told you that Tinnese does get his revenge; and no, the Wizard brothers don’t get the revenge they seek, though they are somewhat minor characters in the gist of things. To be quite honest I don’t know exactly what happens to them. All I know is that Nosos deals with them, and there is a potential for a sequel in the works, though that is yet to be determined. I hope that answers that question readily enough.”
“Hardly,” mumbled the Old Man. “You didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t already know. Anyway, that wasn’t the question that I asked and…”
“Well, I’m sorry Old Man, but you need to be more specific with your questions. I already gave you a do over, I can’t afford to give you another. You’ll just have to deal with the answer you got. Now, in response to your last question, Yes, Nosos succeeds in his quest. As to whether he goes home or not; that is entirely up to him. If I’m not mistaken, that is a question that is reserved for him to ask when, it’s his turn to ask the questions… to which, if I’m not mistaken, will be his turn next week.