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Dear Reader, the last couple of blogs have been fun to write. There comes a time however, when a change from the norm is needed to break the monotony. So this week, I’m glad to present to you, for your reading pleasure, this week’s blog. Before we begin, I would like to personally thank Patty Kline for handing out the photo of the Old Couple as a prompt at last Tuesday’s writing group. I’d also like to thank the members of the Just Write Group, for being a good sounding board; as well as for the solid advice they have to offer. Keep writing my friends. I’d also personally like to thank my roommate, Maryann Talese for editing my pieces before I offer them up to the public eye. Finally, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank, you my dear readers, for bearing with me as I prattle on. If you have yet to view my book, Water Lily Pond, I encourage you to do so at your convenience: Now, without further ado, here’s this week’s blog:


Richard M Polk


Who are these two people in this photograph – what stories, if plied, would they tell? What mysteries of elicit affairs would shimmer to light? What secrets hide behind those smiles so innocent?

The world may never know. The world may not care about the stiff that lies in a vat of acid, just two blocks down from where two old love birds built their nest.

These things don’t matter. Nothing matters but the continued happiness of the couples; whose souls I have trapped in my weathered photo album.

Captured souls - no that’s not my thing. I don’t get off on it. But the couple in this photograph sure do. Look how they smile and hold each other close, as they scream for deliverance.

But that is not in their cards. No, I have stacked their deck. And now, dear reader, I’ll stick them with adhesive, and place them in my album, to the right of the young couple from Texas.


The Photo Collector.

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