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Delete Part 3

For once the factory floor was not in an uproar. It was instead, quiet- so much so, that it disturbed the Narrator. Looking through the window, he saw that the characters sat stunned in absolute disbelief. Smiling, he clicked the mike, “Now where were we? What’s ailing you guys? You’re usually so lively?”

There was silence at first, then Danny said, “I believe that we were on my last question before you decided to murder that no- good vagabond.”

“I wouldn’t call it murder. I was merely teaching him a lesson; that’s all.”

“That’s a bit extreme, not to mention pointless,” the Old Man said.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“I mean,” replied the Old Man, “that lessons and punishments are only effective if the person or persons are still around to learn from them.”

“Who’s to stay they’re not?”

“What are you implying?” said Nosos.

“What he’s implying is that we are the ones who are meant to learn the lesson,” replied the Crow. “Or more importantly, he’s trying to teach me a lesson; except it is not I who needs to learn, but him.”

“Oh really, Crow,” replied the Narrator. “What lesson do I need to learn?”

“That you’re not really in charge. You may play out this little charade; and you may play the Narrator behind the glass with who knows what kind of fancy gadgets. But in the end, you don’t have the power, nor the authority to make such decisions, as in regarding other characters, when you yourself are one.”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting point of view, and perhaps, in some manner, you are correct. Yes, I may indeed be a character, and yes, I do play the role of Narrator, and yes I do have all these fancy gadgets that give me the authority to do as I please….”

“For now,” interrupted the Crow.

“And as such, I must now insist that we get on with the topic at hand; answering Danny’s last question, which he has yet to ask. That is unless, of course, anyone else wants to be deleted.”

“You’re a bastard.” Symphony said.

“I’m so glad you noticed, Symphony. Now if we may proceed, Danny your last question.”

“My last question is rather simple and to the point. I have lived many a lifetime and all these times I have lived it as a coward. Choosing to be neither good nor evil, I instead chose to watch others fight and die by the hands of my brothers and sisters. The question I have is this. “Will I go out this way, or will I choose to aide Tinnese, or stop him from doing irrevocable harm to the entire seven worlds.”

“Danny my boy, your question though simple, bears the weight of the decisions that you have made and will make as the story line progresses. As I have told your fellow characters, I don’t know for certain the exact events, that’ll bring about your salvation or demise.”

“Yes, yes. I already concluded as much. But what will my final act be?"

Tinnese, who was paying close attention, turned to him and said, “Yes, Danny, what will your final act be?”

“He’ll teleport with you in his arms and blow up,” replied the Narrator.

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