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Tinnese's Questions Part 2

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“Now that we’ve a little bit of a breather,” the Narrator said, “I’ll pick up where we left off. Now where were we… ah yes, you do get your revenge, Tinnese, but at the cost of your soul.”

The narrator paused to let his words sink in. Tinnese took the opportunity and said, “Can you explain this further? What is a soul? How do I obtain it? How do I sell it?”

“Tinnese, that is technically two different questions; but given that they’re in direct relation to your main question, I’ll answer them as best as I can. Please remember though, these things that I’m about to relate to you, haven’t happened as of yet; and the future is full of unexpected twists and turns.”

“I understand,” Tinnese said impatiently.

“Okay, first off, your soul is what makes you who you are. It’s your emotions, your feelings, your desires, your passions. It’s the immortal part of you, gifted from the One Who Saves. To be more accurate, when the One Who Saves created your universe, he gave all those who dwelt in the five worlds souls.”

“I thought there was seven worlds,” interrupted Nosos.

“Yes, Nosos. There are indeed seven worlds; and if you want to be technical, only four of the five worlds have the original inhabitants. The two worlds that I’m talking about are the Crow’s world (which is nothing more than a flying hunk of rock), and the One Who Saves’ world, which is where all who believe in him, end up when they pass on.”

“And the other world?” Nosos asked, ignoring the dirty look that Tinnese threw in his direction.

“The other world, more notably known as the Lady in the Mirror’s world (a proper name has yet to be determined), is a place where the Citizens of these four worlds (who have done no wrong) go for a time; while the One Who Saves, prepares a place for them in his world.”

“So it’s a world full of dead people?” Nosos asked, yet again.

Tinnese had enough. Turning in his direction, he yelled, “Nosos, shut up. This is my time to ask questions, not yours. You are not as important as you think you are.”

“I never said I was more important than…” Nosos began, in a chiding tone. But the Narrator interrupted him. “Nosos, Tinnese is right. This is his turn to ask the questions. Now, we need to get back on track, if you ever want to get back to your time in a reasonable manner.”

Nosos frowned, but offered no reply.

“Where were we… ah yes, souls. The One Who Saves, also desired a relationship with his creation as well. So he gifted them with free will, knowing full well that there was a chance that they’d fall. To which they did. Now, as to how that all took place, I’m not entirely certain. But it came to a point where people from all the worlds drew away from the One Who Saves. At this point in time, all the people could converse with one another in the Hall of Mirrors. In the center of that hall- a few feet from the oak table that holds the keys, was a magnificent tree. This tree- as the legend goes- gave hope, enlightenment and peace, to all who ate its fruit. But it was much more than that- it brought life to the Hall of Mirrors. Well, anyway, as I was saying, the people of the five worlds fell away from their creator, and this is where the Crow first enters the picture.

The Crow smiled a thin cruel smile, as he placed one leg upon the other and folded his pale, thin fingers – placing them neatly on his lap.

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