Therapy Part 2

Therapy Part 2
A speaker crackles overhead. All the characters, except the Crow and Tinnese look around the room to see where the crackle came from. Those two, the man thought, watching Tinnese and the Crow through the glass, are cut from the same cloth. Smiling, he clicked the handset and spoke.
“Attention, I would like your attention, please.”
“Who’s there?” Symphony growled. “Show yourself, coward.”
“Quite woman. Know your place.” The Crow said without looking at her.
“I wasn’t talking to you, you filthy horrible man. I’m talking to the person behind the voice that crackled from those loud speakers overhead.”
“He’s still not going to show himself, foolish woman.” Danny said. The crow turned slightly and smiled at Danny, as if they shared some kind of secret. Danny returned the smile with the puppy like emotion, he showed Tinnese.
“Shut Up, Android!” Symphony barked. “Before I come over there and finish what I started.”
“Yeah, since it worked so well the first time.” Tinnese cracked.
“Hey, you two fought dirty. In a fair fight, I would handed your asses to you and then come back for seconds.”
“You’re full of hot air, it was your boasting, prideful attitude that has gotten you into your current situation.” The Crow said.
“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Tinnese scoffed. “She won’t be around much longer. I made sure of that.”
“You mean, we made sure of that.” Danny said. “I was the one who held her, while you stabbed her.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure whatever.” Tinnese replied with an impatient wave of his hand. “We disposed of her together.”
“Hello, I’m still here.” Symphony retorted. “And I’m feeling better than ever. Like a new woman.” With that she started to blend with the chair she was sitting on, before snapping back to her normal appearance.
“Symphony, have you taken a look in the mirror lately?” the Old Man said. “You look like hell.”
“What’s hell?” She asked.
“How am I supposed to know?” The Old replied. “It was suddenly in my head, like it was the right word to say.”
“All you males are alike. You always open your mouth before thinking. This is one of the reasons why women are superior to men.”
Nosos who was getting annoyed with the continual bickering, had enough. “Quiet! If you’d all shut up for a moment, then perhaps the man behind the glass will get the chance to explain why he brought us here. I know one thing for certain. The sooner we get done here, the sooner I’ll be able to complete the quest and get back to my own time.”
The man behind the mirror smiled. Nosos, he said aloud to no one in particular. You always were the one to take charge. Clicking the button he spoke.
“Thank you Nosos. A few things first then we’ll get underway. Symphony, Danny is right. I can’t show myself, due to the differences in the time dimensions.
“The what?” All the character asked, except for the Crow, Danny and Nosos.
“The Time Dimensions.” The voice replied. “All that you need to know is that I can see and hear you. But you can only hear me.”
“And what shall we call you stranger?” the Old Man asked.
“You may call me “Narrator.”
Nosos who had his head lowered in thought, raised it, as a smile spread across his face.
“I now, know who you are