
Dear Reader. This budding story will cover the next couple of blogs. The scenario below takes place in an abandoned factory, located in the middle of the desert. In this factory is a large room that has seven metal folding chairs placed in its center. This first blog sets the scene. The ones following will consist of conversations between the figure behind the glass and the characters currently sitting in these chairs.
A weathered hand flicks a black switch. Dim yellow light floods the factory floor. Seven characters sit in metal folding chairs that are placed in a semi-circle in the center of the room. In the far left chair, sits an old man with white hair and beard. In the chair next to him, is a rigid middle aged man, with a military cut. On his right is the only woman in the room. Tall and muscular she looks as if she could be of Asian descent. Black licorice scars run up and down the right side of her body, which extend from a large black wound on her right abdomen. Her right eye is completely black, while her left eye slowly roams the factory room.
In the middle of the group is a tall black haired man in a suit and shoes that match his hair. A dark wicked smile plays on the edges of a frown that appears to be permanently fixed on his face.
The chair next to him was vacant, except for a white stationary placard which read: Mr. Smith. Currently on assignment for the Crow. A teenager boy, who is sitting next to the sign, reads it and scowls. A black knife hangs loose in scabbard on his right side.
Sitting on the far right, is a broad silver man, with silver hair, then white with sandy colored hair. He shows no emotion, except to glance at the boy on his left with adoring puppy eyes.
Two additional metal chairs lay folded again the far right wall. The man behind the two way glass smiles. It is time to begin.