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Chapter 57: Part Two


Tinnese removed his sword from the scabbard that he had confiscated from one of the fallen soldiers in the previous world, and threw it aside. Wrapping his fingers around the hilt, he held the light, black sword out in front of him.

Drawing her own sword, Symphony said, “Okay, attack.”

Tinnese stared at her like she was crazy. “You know my sword turns anything it touches to licorice. Do you want to die that badly?”

With a swipe of her hand, Symphony’s sword made contact with Tinnese’s; knocking it from his hand. Tinnese mouth dropped open. As he stumbled back a few feet, he heard a voice ring out, “What do you think you’re doing?”

Symphony spun around, her sword ready, poised for the strike. The voice belonged to the Mayor, who had previously been enjoying his usual morning walk through the garden.

Storming up to them, he yelled again, “What do you think you’re doing?” This time jabbing his index finger into Symphony’s chest for further emphasis. “You….jab…broke….jab…the terms….jab…. of our agreement…jab…You’ll pay…jab. It was about this time, that Symphony’s patience had run out. As the Mayor’s index finger went in for another jab, she grabbed and twisted it sharply. The Mayor howled in pain, as the bones in his hand popped in rapid succession.

Yanking whatever remained of his hand from her grip, the Mayor screamed, “You’re a monster; a sick animal that needs putting down!”

Anger flashed in Symphony’s eyes. She took a step forward. The Mayor, sensing that Symphony was on the brink of tearing him limb from limb, beat a hasty retreat back from where he came. Symphony grunted in amusement as she watched him disappear, like a rabbit down the garden path. When he reached the front doors, he turned and yelled, “I’ll have your head for this! As the Crow is witness, you’ll pay with your life for this action.”

Snorting with laughter, Symphony turned to leave, only to find Tinnese staring blankly at her. Smiling, she placed a large hand on his shoulder as she walked by. “Pick up your sword Tinnese. We should get back. I have a feeling that things are about to get interesting.”

As Tinnese bent to pick up his licorice sword, he watched Symphony walk out of the garden from the corner of his eye. He shook his head in amazement. Symphony was some woman. It’s a pity she has to be taken out of the picture. But if recent events are any indicator of things to come, then Symphony is too much of a threat to be left alive.

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