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Camp NanNoWrimo


Dear reader,

Given that April is Camp NaNoWriMo month, I'm undoubtedly participating and I encourge you to do the same. If ever you looked for an excuse to expode your creative mind on to a piece of electronic canvas (for what else is a writer, but an artist with a keyboard). But Richard you say, I don't have a creative mind and lack the ability to string two sentences together. Well, then find something you do well and do it to improve the life of your fellow man, woman, child and stray hamsters that are at this very monent drawing up plans for world domination.

For those who don't know (I had found out this past week) Camp NaNoWriMo, is a more relaxed version of NaNoWriMo, which takes place in Novemeber. The idea of NanoWriMo is to write a 50,000 word document in a months time. Writers from all across the world, get together on the NaNoWriMo website and keep track of their daily word count, while providing each oher with words of encouragemnt and the like. There is much more to this of course, but it would to long for me to even crack the surface of a world wide event.

That about sums up this blog for the week. Again I encourage you, dear reader, to sign up and particapte in Camp NaNoWriMo and as always, if you have yet to purchase WaterLily Pond.You can find the Amazon link on the home page of this website.


Richard M Polk

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