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Symphony's new sword

It took Symphony no time at all to find the buildings. She, however got side-tracked when she saw the building marked, Blacksmith’s Advanced Weaponry & Company. Taking a detour from her regular course, she swerved in this direction. Walking through the front door, she took a look around her. Noticing the Black Smith, she beckoned him over.

When he had come over to where she was standing, Symphony asked, “Do you have the means to upgrade weaponry to match a weapon of such caliber that’ll change anything that it touches to licorice?”

Scratching his head for a bit, the blacksmith replied, “Ahh, let me see here… that is a bit of a strange request; but I think I can accommodate you. Now if you leave your weapon here, I can get it back to you early tomorrow.”

Scowling at him, Symphony replied, “My weapons don’t leave my side; I’m the only one who works on them. You provide the instructions, tools and supplies and I’ll do the work.”

Raising his bushy eyebrows, the blacksmith replied, “Now look here, by all means keep your weapon at your side. However if you want the work that you requested done, than you will have to part with it for a brief period of time….” Symphony began to interrupt, but the blacksmith continued. “…and since it is my shop, my tools and supplies, I do the work. No one, and I mean no one, touches my tools… and if you don’t like it – then you can leave.”

“I need it done today,” Symphony replied. “And if you damage it in anyway, I’ll have your head; and if it’s not up to par…”

“Let me guess,” interrupted the blacksmith, “You’ll have my head. I’ll let you know, missy, that I take personal pride in my work; and for a little bit extra coinage, and I can have it done in about two hours.”

“Fine!” Symphony snapped, drawing a long broad sword from the sheath that was housed between her shoulder blades, and slamming it down on the counter top. Reaching into her money bag, Symphony pulled out a handful of coins and threw them at him. “Half now,” she growled. “Half later.”

“Come back in two hours and I’ll have it ready,” said the blacksmith, scooping up the coins.

“Good,” Symphony replied, “Oh and not a word to anyone about this, got it!?”

The blacksmith replied in a offended tone, “I pride myself on my silence.”

“Still,” Symphony replied walking to the door, “Keep your big mouth shut!” With that she turned the handle on the door, opened it, walk through and slammed it closed behind her.

‘Now, while that is being done, I’ll go checkout out this building next to it. I believe that it’s called, ‘Hold’em’s Public Electric and Plumbing.’ Checking the map, Symphony confirmed that this was so, and then began making her way towards it.

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