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The vault

Danny didn’t bother replying, but instead looked down at the stubble of crayons that lay before him, and mumbled something about needing another pack of crayons. Symphony wasn’t listening, for something on the map had caught her attention. In the far, left corner that was partially colored in, stood a building that was marked, Blacksmith’s Advanced Weaponry & Company.

“I think we should check here first,” she said, jabbing her finger on the building she was looking at.

Danny leaned over to see where she was indicating and shook his head slowly.

“What?” Symphony responded. “This is as good a place to start as any.”

“You know perfectly well that the key is not in the building,” Danny replied. “Plus, we haven’t finished filling in the map yet.”

“Oh give me those,” Symphony snapped, grabbing the bits of crayon that were now in Danny’s hand.

Crushing them together in the palm of her hands, Symphony began to smear bits of crayon all over uncolored sections of the map.

“That’s not how you’re supposed to color!” Danny said, as he watched the buildings give off little puffs of smoke before changing to their true color.

“Who cares,” Symphony retorted.

“Well there are proper ways of doing things.”

The buildings that Symphony had pointed to were nearly all the same except one, which was in a more cube-like state compared to the other ones. These buildings possessed titles such as, Hold’em Mega Casino, Five-Star Stud Motel, Crow’s Hanky-Panky Massage Parlor. The central building, which was smaller than the rest of them, was simply named, ‘the vault.’ All the other buildings in that cluster, seemed to lead to that central building.

Jabbing his finger on the central building, Danny said, “This is the building where I’ll be heading to first.”

“It doesn’t matter which one of these buildings you check first. Just make sure that you have the right one before I switch off the electric fence.”

Before Danny could offer a reply, Symphony had snatched the map up and stomped off in the general direction of Hold’em General Electric and Plumbing.

Watching her disappear out of sight, Danny shook his head in amazement, and started off towards the building marked, ‘the vault.’

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