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Hermits Hole Part 3


Oh yes, I fed and fed until not even an ounce of their humanity remained. Then with the utmost delight, I had them attack and bite each other, watching intently as their lives drained slowly from their bodies. And when they were done, I restored them and made them begin again.

Oh how they begged for mercy. Each time I brought them back, they begged for death; this just made me laugh. They are my puppets, my toys until morning light. Once I’ve had my fill, my fun, I’ll toss them aside like yesterday’s ragtag garbage.

They’ll be found the next day, and their deaths will be explained away, as you humans often do…but you, you my friend, know the truth. You know what happened here. Every new year someone fresh will come and play my game; someone new will be my puppet- my toy. This is the way it has been since that holy midget answered my call (mistaking me for that fiend he so fondly followed); and this is the way it will be when you are old and gray. Your children’s children will play my game, and I’ll claim them as I claimed all that preceded them. This, this is my purpose. This, this is my gift to you- humanity.


Master Ouija,

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